Highgate Debates

Lively argument on topical issues

Lively argument on topical issues

Highgate debates are held three or four times a year. Debates have been about topical issues such as UK membership of the European Union, tax avoidance and drugs policy. Speakers have included many well-known public intellectuals, and Members of both Houses of Parliament. A special feature has been the participation of local secondary schools who have provided seconders for motions.

The debates follow a traditional format with discussion opened to the audience after opening speeches and then a final vote.

I can’t thank you and the team enough for the wonderful opportunity you gave to our students… what a terrific way for them to get an insight into debating.

Sophie Eziuloh

Naomi Hunter-Epson

To read the full text of the seconders’ speeches from the 4 February Debate: This House Believes that Identity Politics is Harming Society click here.

To see details of all past Debates from 2014 click here.