Doors open at 7.30pm for 8pm start
Book for online link only. You do not need to book if you are coming to the Victoria Hall.
Science Talk by Dr Paul Morland.
Paul is an author and broadcaster who addresses worldwide population changes – both contemporary and historic. He is the author of four books on demographics which have been translated into nine languages. He is a research fellow at Birkbeck Collage and a senior member of St Anthony’s College, Oxford.
Without grasping the basics of demography, where populations are growing or declining, old or young, immigrating or emigrating, you cannot grasp what has moved history or what is likely to dominate the coming decades. Demography is both a powerful and underappreciated lens through which to view the global transformations that are currently under way. Paul’s talk will give a brief overview of the topic and show how it has move the world and continues to do so.